Leave a Legacy

According to the saying of our beloved Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ)

“When a man passes away, his good deeds will also come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah, a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (after his death).”

- Sahih Muslim

If you wish to continue your support to our cause following your death as Sadaqa Jariya, you can include this in your will stating your intention along with the charity name and number. You will also need to state whether this is a residuary gift or a fixed sum gift. If you’re not sure what sort of gift you’d like to leave, we’ve added helpful definitions for you below.

Specific legacy

A gift of a specific item or asset such as shares or jewellery.

Pecuniary legacy

A fixed sum of money. It is worth bearing in mind that inflation can reduce the value of pecuniary legacies over time, so it is worth reviewing your will on a regular basis, whether or not your circumstances change.

Residuary legacy

A gift of all or part of your net estate (what remains after all taxes, specific gifts and the cost of administering the estate have been paid). This type of legacy should be expressed as a percentage or a share of your estate

We strongly recommend you use a solicitor to compose your will to ensure your wishes are completed in full and all legal requirements are met.

Our details: Jamia Almaarif : Charity Reg no. 1186352

If you wish to leave a residuary gift, we recommend the wording below:

’I wish to give to the registered Charity in England named Jamia Al Maarif , Charity no 1186352, of 7 Tanner Street, Barking, IG11 8QA the residue (or % share of the residue) of my estate absolutely and I direct that (i) the proceeds may be used for the general purposes of the charities and (ii) a receipt signed by a person for the time being authorised by Jamia Al Maarif shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.’

If you wish to leave a pecuniary gift, we recommend the wording below:

‘I give to the registered Charity in England named Jamia Al Maarif , Charity no 1186352, of 7 Tanner Street, Barking, IG11 8QA the sum of £_______ and I direct that (i) the proceeds may be used for the general purposes of Jamia Al Maarif and (ii) a receipt signed by a person for the time being authorised by Jamia Al Maarif shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.’

May Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) accept your Sadaqah Donation and make it a means to grant you Jannah. Ameen