Jamia Almaarif Birmingham

Welcome to the Birmingham Islamic Institute, a center of spiritual growth and Islamic learning that embraces people of all ages and backgrounds. Our institute offers a wide range of educational classes, engaging activities, and spiritually enriching retreats, all aimed at promoting Islamic values, culture, and unity within the community.

Upcoming Classes


Led by enlightened spiritual guides, these Dhikr sittings provide a sacred space for individuals of all backgrounds to connect with their inner selves and the essence of their faith. In these gatherings, the focus is on mindfulness, gratitude, and reflection. Participants are encouraged to let go of worldly distractions and center their thoughts on the Divine, invoking His blessings and seeking solace in His presence. The power of collective remembrance enhances the experience, as each heart’s supplications and praises add to the harmony of the gathering. In the vibrant city of Birmingham, these special Dhikr sittings serve as a beacon of spiritual light, igniting the hearts of those who attend and leaving a profound impact on their souls.

Sister’s hike in Dovedale

Join our sister’s hike, a blissful blend of nature, meditation, and sisterhood. Nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, this hiking adventure is specially designed to rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul of all the wonderful women who embark on this journey.  As you begin your hike, the tranquil surroundings of Dovedale welcome you with open arms. The scenic trails wind through lush forests, rolling hills, and breathtaking vistas, providing the perfect backdrop for moments of reflection and inner peace. Guided by experienced leaders, the hike ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Throughout the hike, the spirit of support and encouragement among the sisters is palpable. Strangers become friends, and friends become soulmates on this empowering journey. As the day draws to a close, the sisters leave with uplifted spirits, carrying the harmony of nature and the cherished connections made during the hike back into their everyday lives.


If you would are interested in any of the upcoming events or classes in our Birmingham Centre, please enrol below, if you would also like to donate towards our organisation, please click the donate button below

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