Jamia Almaarif Peterborough

Welcome to the Peterborough Islamic Institute, a dynamic and inclusive center dedicated to nurturing spiritual growth and community engagement. Our institute offers a diverse range of enriching programs for people of all ages and genders, all aimed at promoting Islamic values, culture, and unity within the community and designed to deepen our understanding of Islam and foster a strong connection with the Divine.

Upcoming Classes


Come join our special Dhikr sittings where hearts unite in the remembrance of the Divine. These gatherings are a spiritual oasis amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, inviting seekers of all backgrounds to experience the profound serenity of Dhikr. Led by enlightened guides, the special Dhikr sittings are open to individuals of all ages and levels of knowledge, creating an inclusive and diverse space for seekers to explore their spirituality. Participants are encouraged to let go of worldly distractions and focus their thoughts on the essence of their faith, illuminating the hearts of those who attend and leaving a lasting impact on their souls. Embracing the beauty of devotion and the power of community, these gatherings serve as a gateway to a deeper connection with the Divine and a richer understanding of one’s faith.

Youth Club

Enrol your child to our Youth Club, a dynamic and inclusive space where young minds gather to foster their faith, build friendships, and make a positive impact on their community. This youth club is a hub of inspiration, empowering the next generation of Muslim leaders and change-makers. Our Youth Club offers a range of engaging activities tailored to the interests and needs of its diverse members. Through a perfect blend of faith, fun, and learning, the club strives to create an environment that nurtures personal growth and spiritual development. Islamic teachings and values form the foundation of the club’s programs. Guided by knowledgeable mentors and scholars, the youth delve into discussions on relevant topics, exploring how to apply their faith in their daily lives and navigate the challenges of the modern world.


If you would are interested in any of the upcoming events or classes in our Peterborough Centre, please enrol below, if you would also like to donate towards our organisation, please click the donate button below

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